
Before my Trinity friends came to visit I texted asking if there were any snacks in particular anyone wanted. “does wine count?” said one friend. “I haven’t changed much from my college eating,” said another. And two friends asked for “Sour Cream and Onion Baked Lays.”

I’m more of a cheese and crackers and sweets person so I shopped for those first when I got to Stop and Shop on Saturday morning. That was done quickly. Then I made my way to the chip aisle.

I quickly laid eyes on the Lays section of the aisle. There were regular Lays. There were wavy Lays. There were kettle cooked Lays. The section was hard to miss, especially because of all the flavors involved with each kind! But after searching… I came up empty handed. Where else could Baked Lays be? Why wouldn’t they be with the rest of the brand?

I typed out a quick text to my friends asking for help. I’d finish the shopping and hope they got back to me soon. As luck would have it though (before a reply could arrive via text) as I continued down the chip aisle, past another brand of chips, there they were! Sour Cream and Onion Baked Lays!! Crisis averted!

7 thoughts on “Snacks

  1. It’s amazing how one company can produce so many DIFFERENT varieties of chips. It’s overwhelming! Love that you catered to your friends — food makes a gathering a bit more special!


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