Sunset on the Water

For the past 2 summers a bucket list item of mine has been to go to Port Jefferson (via the ferry) for dinner and time it right to be on the ferry back to Connecticut to see sunset. Really I could care less about dinner in Port Jeff, I just wanted to be on the water for sunset. But for the past 2 summers this just hasn’t happened for one reason or the other, some in my control, some not.

Until last week when my mom suggested asking my uncle to bring us out on his boat for a little sunset cruise. When we asked my uncle’s response was “sure, as long as the weather and water are good and calm. We can go tomorrow!”

I spent all day Wednesday with my fingers crossed. Would the threatening thunderstorms stay away? Would the water stay calm like it was the day before?

At 5pm it was decided we’d eat and go to the dock if everything stayed the way it was.

Around 6pm I started to become more and more confident we’d be on the water for sunset.

At 7pm I knew it was going to happen. My mom, 2 cousins, uncle and I each packed a drink in the cooler and drove the 5 miles to the marina. We climbed on the boat. Untied from the dock and away we went for the 7:57pm sunset.

Soon we rounded the corner of the marina and saw a gorgeous sky ahead. We sat on the boat, listened to music and enjoyed the peace of being on the water for sunset.

Bucket list item complete! Thanks Uncle Doug!

3 thoughts on “Sunset on the Water

  1. You capture the feeling, the desire, to get to the bucket list item beautifully as you set us up. The desire turned excitement as you headed to the boat! The feeling of accomplishment is captured in that last paragraph and last line! The pictures are icing on the cake — love that you got the ferry you thought you’d be on but weren’t.!

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