To my first graders

You all know by now that I get a lot of inspiration for my blog from you.  Without school I’ve had to really dig deep to find some topics to write about.  Needless to say I miss each and everyone of you a ton.

So, on this first day of distance learning I’d like to send a message to each of you.  Send me some inspiration Room 12.

Aiden: I hope you’re working on a comic book that I can read soon.

Alexander: I hope that you have devoured some good books already.  Tell me about one.

Andrew: I miss your smile.  I hope you’re sharing it a lot with mom.

Angelina: What are you doing without swimming?  Are you working on your push-ups?

Anna: I hope that you are practicing your reading with your brothers.

Charlie: I hope you’re being a big help to your mom with all your brothers.  What books have you read to them?

Dakota: I miss your hugs.

Dexter: What adventures have you and your siblings imagined to go on?

Gemma: Have you blogged any more yet?  Please share.

Hannah: I hope your mom is letting you help her in the kitchen.

Henry: Have you written any stories or letters lately?  I’d love to see some if you have.

Indy: Have you written any more poems?  What kinds?  Share them!

Jordan: I’m glad it has been nice outside for you and your brother to play sports together.  I hope it stays that way.

Kenzie: What fashion things have you been up to?  Send me some pictures!

Maddie: I wish I had more of your yummy chocolate chip cookies.

Nathaniel: I can’t wait to read more of your poems.  Are you getting more inspiration from the things around you at home?

Olivia What fun books have you read or movies have you watched?

Quinlan: What activities are you doing outside with your brother?

Ruth: Are you coming up with more riddles for me to try and solve?


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