Things to do on a Snow Day

There are only 2 things you can do on a snow day…

  1. Be lazy
  2. Be productive

I was faced with this choice on Tuesday when after a week long vacation we had a our first snow day of the season. To be honest I was not happy about it. Therefore, I opted for option 2. But what did I want to do while being productive?

One of the things that made it to my list was to clean out my closet… more specifically my shoes. I do a decent job of regularly donating clothes but often run out of steam by the time I make it to all of my shoes.

So I started by laying them all out. I keep different shoes in different areas of my house (depending on their type). I ended up having 3 piles. Then I put my favorites back where they belonged. But I still had LOTS of shoes left in the piles. I wear these other shoes but only occasionally. So the big guns, my sister, was called in. I sent pictures asking for advice. She was super helpful via text but shockingly didn’t make me get rid of all those remaining.

Needless to say I still have too many shoes… but a large garbage bag is also filled and heading out for donation.

5 thoughts on “Things to do on a Snow Day

  1. I love this! I love the mood you set when you were obviously not pleased with a snow day. And the sorting process, I could see it. So much effort and the shoes won! Hahahaha! Thanks for a post that made me smile.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love how you decide to bring in the big guns..your sister! Sometimes being productive is a solo act and other times you need another’s eyes and opinion! Glad you had a productive day!

    Liked by 1 person

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