Zack’s is Back

My aunt had rotator cuff surgery on Friday. Living less that a mile from her I was on call for anything she or my uncle needed.

“Any chance you have Motrin,” was the text at 5pm from my uncle. I did not but offered to grab some on my way home. He told me not to rush and to check in before going to the store in case someone else had it.

At 6:30pm I checked in again before ordering more fries with my friends. “We’re all set for now. No rush,” was the reply.

When I finally got in my car to go home at 7:30 and asked my uncle said, “any good desserts?” Knowing this was not my aunt’s request I rolled my eyes a little but then had an idea!

“Would a milkshake from Duchess work?” It would have IF their milkshake maker was working.

Frustrated I drove a little further. Maybe a Frosty from Wendy’s would do the trick. But as I got closer I saw lights on at my favorite FroYo place. Could it be? Could I be seeing it right?

I was! Zack’s was back open after being closed for the winter! My Friday night was complete! And so was my uncles.

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