Lucky Lordship Living

I woke up with a start! What the?!?! I had taken NyQuil to sleep and was a little out of sorts. It could have been 9pm and 1am for all I knew.

As I got my bearings I realized I had woken up because of music blaring outside my house. I fumbled around for my glasses and climbed out of bed. I peered out the window and saw it…

…THE Lordship golf cart. The one I had seen at Halloween time, and Thanksgiving, and of course Christmas. The one that has a trailer attached to it with inflatables on the back. The one that drives around my amazing town spreading holiday cheer.

This time, the float had leprechauns and rainbows. This time is was blasting Celtic songs. This time it gad gotten stuck or stopped to say hello to my neighbor.

I lay in bed listening to the music for a few minutes (already planning this slice) before drifting back to sleep. Boy am I lucky to live in this town.

I didn’t even think to take a picture but… luckily my friend/neighbor did!

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