My Morning

The idea of waking up before 5:30am seems ungodly to me. So my alarm is set for 5:33am. I give myself 15 minutes max ti make it to my car to get to the gym with some buffer time for traffic and to stretch. Here is what the short time looks like…

5:33- alarm goes off and I check email super fast to make sure I didn’t miss a message for a delay or cancellation of school or the gym class.

5:35- bathroom to grab my toothbrush and start brushing. At the same time I head downstairs to turn the teapot on and start my car. I also put my lunch in my lunchbox at this time too.

5:39- put my contacts in and throw on my gym clothes.

5:43- grab my pre-packed gym bag. Throw on my crocs (making sure my sneakers are ready or packed too). Head back downstairs.

5:45- pour my tea and turn off the lights.

5:46- do a mental check (and cross my fingers) that I’ve got everything I need for the day

5:47- become the bag lady with my purse, work bag, lunchbox and gym bag. Balance my to-go mug in my hand and head out the door.

5:48- get in my car and take a deep breath.

PHEW! Now my day can officially begin.

8 thoughts on “My Morning

  1. My old routine was probably similar! I’s also be hoping the lights were all green to get me to the gym faster! Since starting working out at home, I feel my mornings are a little less rushed. And, you always have it together at school!

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  2. I can relate but I need 15 minutes of sitting, sipping coffee, and generally waking up! I think those who exercise in the morning each must have their own structures and routines to get it done. There is no better way to start a day, I say!

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  3. My morning has a MUCH slower routine, but then, dog walking instead of going to the gym is a very different ritual. It lacks the cardio, but it’s pretty good for my mental health. I’m impressed with what you can get done in 15 minutes!

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