Easy to Handle

It was late in the school day on Thursday. I was enjoying some quiet while my students were at PE when I heard a knock at my door. I turn and see the first grade teacher from across the hall standing there. “Do you have a minute? Can I introduce you to some of my students?”

I make my way to the doorway to be greeted (and bombarded) by many 1st graders. “You’re a second grade teacher?” “Why are there no students in your room?” “Do you have books like we do in first grade?” “What about math?” “And field day?”

I try my best to answer questions as the first graders begin to wander around my classroom. Watching them I feel a tap on my hip… “Ms. Wetmore… I’m Ginny. I hope I have you next year. I’m easy to handle so won’t be a bother.” Shocked I try to think of something to say back. Lucky for me she joins her peers wandering before I have to. I laugh to myself and go back to answering questions. I guess she really is easy to handle. No answer needed.

2 thoughts on “Easy to Handle

  1. That is the stinkin’ sweetest! I can just picture that little face looking at you and hear those words! It’s so fun to know that classes are visiting again! I bet that feels good to you all, too!

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