Everybody knows your name

There is one restaurant, and one restaurant only, that I will go to by myself. I’ll sit at the counter, order my usual, scroll too much social media and not enough news. I’ll chat with the staff and the people sitting around me. Over the years I have talked to many people and made some friends.

But with the pandemic I haven’t been there in months. Today I braved it. As I sat there alone at the counter because of Covid I felt good but lonely. I missed my counter friends. But as I took my final bite in walked George and a smile crept onto my face. Mask and all I could tell he was smiling and happy to see me too.

It’s like they used to say in the show Cheers…

“Sometimes you want to go where people know

The people are all the same

You want to go where everybody knows your name”

9 thoughts on “Everybody knows your name

  1. I love the Cheers connection. During our time at home my family and I have been watching the reruns. It has helped us find a little piece of normal and reminded us of simpler times. I am glad you found a little piece of ‘normal.’

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