Google Meet

I’m new to the Google Meet world but am loving it for connecting with my colleagues.  Yesterday I even decided to try it with my students… 1 first grader at a time. though  Here is how it went with H…

I clicked the “join” button and was whisked into my meeting with H.  As soon as she saw my face, hers lit up.  Before any words were exchanged, H was off and running (with me in her hand).

She went down the hall.  Up the stairs.  Around the banister.  Into her room.  Slammed her door and on to her bed.  Phew!  That was excitement if I ever saw some. 

H’s parents had given me a heads up that H had been getting frustrated doing math with them at home.  They asked me to talk to her about it.  “So, H, how has math been going at home?  Have you been doing the worksheets?  Going on IXL?”

“I’ve been so frustrated with the worksheets!  My parents just don’t know how to help me,” she exclaimed.

Before I could offer advice we were moving again.  From one side of the room to the other.  Bouncing on the bed.  Up and Down, Up and Down!

“I’m doing a flop and pop!  It’s so fun and cool.”  H said out of breath flopping down on her pillow.

“Well le…” Every time I tried to get a word in the jumping and running would start up again.

Finally, H stopped.  “Phew!  I’m so sweaty!”

Yes, and I’m super dizzy from all this jumping and running I could puke, I thought.  But in actuality I said “I bet!  Now let’s talk more about this math.  What can we do when we get frustrated with a problem?”


10 thoughts on “Google Meet

  1. Connections are what matter right now! Actually, connections are at the heart of all that we do – they matter ALL the time – every minute of every day! Yay you for embracing google meets and connecting!! 🙂

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  2. Best feeling to feel the excitement, witness the joy and see the wonderful expressions of H, so unaware of all she is doing, and yet putting on a show of all shows to brighten your day and fill it will joy! Meets is proving to be way more than just a useful tool for supporting our students, it’s making our days feel slightly closer to normal.

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  3. Tears just came rolling in. Like real tears that have been hanging just beneath my lids waiting for the right opportunity – and here it was. All the details of this anxiously awaited meeting, the sheer joy of H having you all to herself – these just got me. I feel those feels because they’re familiar. There’s a real pain of being out of touch with people we spent so much time with previously. Thank you for sharing H’s flop and pop. I needed that connection, too.

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  4. I haven’t tried Google Meet, but am excited to do so as I’ve used Zoom and hacking concerns have recently been raised. I love how you personify your device as “you” simulating how you would feel if all of this motion were really happening to your body! I hope that you were able to talk about the math once she got her wiggles out! Maybe suggest a dance party to start next time with the device safely placed on a smooth surface? So fun!

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