Living the Life of a Writer

Before last March, when I participated in the Slice of Life challenge, I did not think of myself as a writer.  To be honest, I am still not sure I 100% believe it.  But I try to have my 2nd graders live the life of a writer daily.

This school year, I made it one of my goals to start the year with my students collecting tons and tons of ideas that they could write about this school year.  We went through a bunch of exercises (drawing maps, sketching, etc) to get ideas.  I kept reminding them that some of their favorite writers keep a journal of just ideas.  That they need to live an observant life, the life of a writer.  I kept saying “if an idea for a story pops in your head at PE or music or lunch or recess hold on to it and jot it down in your Joy Write notebook or writer’s heart when you first get back to class.”  I tried my best to model this but school life is hectic and most of the time my ideas get typed into my phone’s notepad when I finally make it to my couch at night.

But then…

Friday afternoon arrives…

I am trying my best to get the kids in a quiet, straight line after lunch when Trey comes up to me and says “I have an idea.  Can I write it down when we get upstairs?”

And then…

We are on the stairs and Reide whispers “Can I take my Joy Write notebook out before I pack up to jot down an idea?”

Why yes, yes you can live The Life of a Writer!


5 thoughts on “Living the Life of a Writer

  1. The structure of this slice celebrates the choices your second graders made! They have made those choices because you ARE a writer who is living it and your kids know it! Yay you for capturing this in a slice! Can’t wait to see what comes next for you and your second graders!!

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  2. You are really seeing what happens when a teacher lives a writerly life! It’s so exciting to see how your children are quickly becoming the kinds of people who pay close attention to the world around them and collect these observations and ideas to write about later. Wow! You are off to a powerful start!

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