
Today was hot.  Very hot.  90ish degrees, not a cloud in the sky.

So when 1:00 rolled around I was excited for my students to have recess and enjoy the fresh, humid air.  For once they cleaned up quickly, lined up quietly, and were ready to be outside early.  So off we went.

We were the 1st ones on the playground.  1st ones to get the recess bin.  1st ones to claim the shady spots.  Wendy’s class followed closely behind.

Wendy and I stood watching our classes, chatting about our days waiting for the rest of the classes to join us.

But they didn’t.

Instead, 5 minutes later, out comes the security guard.  “Um, did you know indoor recess was called for today because of the heat?” he said.

Wendy and I looked at each other and laughed.  “Nope!” we said in unison.

“Well, you got ratted out and need to bring them inside.”

Needless to say both classes looked at us like we were crazy when we blew the whistle and told them we had to go inside of indoor recess.

So much for enjoying the hot day!


6 thoughts on “Oops

  1. Love the simplicity of this slice! The excitement about the warm day was built with your words. The series of the three – “the first ones” is perfect! FYI – I think I would’ve beat you out – I was right with you in enjoying the day! Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hahaha… I loved the contrast between your excitement at being first and your confusion as the other classes weren’t joining you. At least you weren’t the only one who missed the memo!

    Liked by 1 person

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